October favorites


finally, October!

This year obviously looks very different for me as I am two months postpartum and truly in the depths of new motherhood. The first few weeks of motherhood stretched me in ways I truly never thought I could be stretched, pushed, and demanded strength that I didn’t think I had and gave me more joy than I could have known possible. What a gift it is to create and bring forth life, to be my child’s safe space, to have the blessing of motherhood.

However, like all things in life, there is a duality. I am grateful for motherhood as I am equally thankful to be slowly but surely finding my way back to myself after days filled with baby cuddles, diaper changes, and spit-up.

It feels like there is no better time to do it than now. In the first few precious days of October. Like the leaves changing colors and falling, we, too, get a chance at a new beginning.

With the new season, I am making it my mission to document more of what I am loving, what is bringing me joy, more of my thoughts, and just generally wanting to share more in hopes of connecting with others in similar seasons as myself and as a creative outlet as I acclimate to my new “normal.”

Alas, below is a list of all the things I am wearing, buying, loving, and reading during these first few weeks of October. Cheers to this being the first of many to come.