Review: American Royals by Katharine McGee

American Royals



Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟(5/5)

If you know me, you already know that my love for the British royal family runs deep so when a book involves anything #royal, it automatically becomes a must-read for me and trust me, American Royals did not disappoint.

If you haven’t heard the hype, American Royals reimagines the United States of America if George Washington was crowned the king rather than becoming the country’s first elected president.

I have so many thoughts about this book, but long story short, this book is easily one of my favorite books of 2019. It is juicy, well-written, fast-paced, and hooked me from the very first sentence.

If you are a fan of Gossip Girl, The Crown, or the OG The Clique Series - this book is for you.

I am also going to just go ahead and link the book trailer HERE because if at this point you still have any doubts about whether you should read this book or not, this trailer will be the last nudge that you need to take the plunge.

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