Review: The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell
“It all happened so slowly, yet so extraordinarily quickly, the change to our parents, to our home, to our lives after they arrived.
But that first night, when Birdie appeared on our front step with two large suitcases and a cat in a wicker box, we could never have guessed the impact she would have, the other people she would bring into our lives, that it would all end the way it did…
We thought she had just come to stay for the weekend."
Honestly, where do I even start? This book is juicy and I will probably be echoing the thousands of other humans who have read this when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. From the moment that I picked it up, I found it difficult to put down. It is dark, twisted, and unbelievably well-written.
The disturbing cult-aspects of this book kept me hooked and the alternating character perspectives allowed for an excellent build up and level of anticipation, but the ending was anti-climatic as there was no plot twist.
That being said, it came out to a solid 3.5 stars as it did fall just a little bit short for me. I would still highly recommend it to everyone who loves the psychological thriller genre or just a good drama.